Edwards Adds Rare Gas Recovery and Recycling Products for Vacuum Pump nXDS Series

Edwards Limited is a leading manufacturer of high-precision vacuum equipment and exhaust gas treatment systems and related value-added service providers. The company has added a special product to its nXDS series of scroll dry vacuum pumps. The product is especially suitable for rare gas or critical gas suction applications.

The nXDS scroll dry vacuum pump does not require lubrication in the entire suction channel of the gas. This particular nXDS-R vacuum pump is best suited for applications where rare gases or critical gases need to be recycled or recycled, without the risk of accidental introduction into the atmosphere. For example, as helium becomes a scarce and expensive resource, the demand for recovery and reuse of this rare gas is increasing. The nXDS vortex dry vacuum pump eliminates the gas ballast function, which is important for applications that have stringent requirements for condensable vapor removal, resulting in a sealed pump with no moving seal from inlet to outlet, and no It will be accidentally introduced into the atmosphere.

Edwards Marketing Manager David Steele commented: "The nXDS-R pump does not have a gas ballast, so it is ideally suited for applications where the vacuum pump gas cannot be accidentally contaminated with stringent requirements such as helium, sulfur hexafluoride. , helium, and other noble gas or expensive gases for evacuation or recycling applications."

This advanced technology guarantees the customer's required vacuum integrity. The vacuum pump does not require lubrication and has good sealing properties, thus providing a completely clean and dry vacuum environment. The bearings are isolated using bellows, so all the vacuum pump bearings are located outside the vacuum and suction gas channels.

The vacuum pump has a long maintenance cycle (up to 5 years for the first time depending on the application), so it has a low cost of ownership, and its maintenance is quick and easy without the need for complicated or expensive professional tools.

The nXDS-R is easy to install and operate. This is a simple “fit and forget” vacuum pump that offers years of superior performance. The vacuum pump's low noise, only 52 decibels (A), sounds very small in the laboratory - it can be 20 times lower than the sound of some similar products.

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