New magnets can be used to develop next-generation sensors and actuators

Researchers at Temple University and the University of Maryland in the United States have discovered a new type of magnet that expands in volume when placed in a magnetic field and negligible heat wasted during energy harvesting. This new discovery has tremendous potential for use, not only to replace existing technologies but also to create new applications. Hash Diep Chopra, Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering at Temple University, Head of Materials Genomics and Quantum Devices Laboratory, and Manfred Outig, a professor of materials science and engineering at the University of Maryland, published on the 21st Nature published their findings.

Chopra said: "Our discovery has radically changed our understanding of a particular type of magnet that has been known since 1841."

In the 1840s British physicist James Joule found that iron-based magnetic materials change their shape when placed in a magnetic field, but the volume remains constant. This phenomenon is called "Joule magnetostriction," which has been shown for all magnets since its discovery 175 years ago.

"We found a new class of magnets, which we call non-Joule magnetostrictive magnets, where their volume has changed dramatically in the magnetic field," said Chapula. "And these non-Joule magnetostrictive magnets Has the extraordinary ability to collect or convert energy with minimal heat loss. "

Chopra and Utiger heated a specific iron-based alloy in a furnace to about 760 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes before rapidly cooling it to room temperature when the material showed non-Joule magnetostrictive behavior.

They found that the heat-treated material contains tiny honeycombs that have never been seen before, which is the key to showing non-Joule magnetostrictive reactions in the magnetic field. Utiger added: "Knowing this unique structure will allow researchers to develop new materials with the same characteristics."

The researchers note that due to Joule magnetostriction, a conventional magnet can only be used as an actuator that exerts a force in one direction. Even if actuated in only two directions, a large amount of bulky magnets are required, which increases the size and reduces the efficiency. Non-Joule magnetostrictive magnets expand in all directions simultaneously, making it easy to manufacture a compact omni-directional actuator.

Because these new magnets also have energy-saving features, they can be used to create next-generation sensors and actuators with extremely low heat losses for applications in aerospace, automotive, biomedical, defense, space exploration and robotics.

The researchers also said the new magnet, which contains no rare earth elements, can replace the existing expensive rare earth magnetostrictive materials with low mechanical properties.

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