Abstract: This article starts with the hardware and software of the SIS system platform and combines the SIS system platform software independently developed by Xinhua. It deeply discusses the system structure, function and security, and proposes an economical, practical, safe, reliable and high-capacity system. And the SIS system platform with strong real-time performance and scalability.
I. Overview The concept of the supervisory information system (SIS) at the factory level has been introduced into the thermal power plant since the end of the last century. After being popularized and applied in recent years, it has developed rapidly and has swept the country. The commissioning of the SIS system has played an important role in improving the economic performance of the power plant unit operation, enhancing the safety of the unit operation, reducing production costs, saving operating costs, and improving competitiveness.
However, the SIS system gives people a habitual impression that is expensive. The overall system investment is as low as 5,6 million yuan, and as many as tens of millions of yuan, as if only those newly built power plants and units can withstand, and the SIS system brings about higher unit efficiency. Saving energy consumption, lowering the cost of electricity production, improving the overall economic efficiency of enterprises, etc. are also attractive for the old power plants, but the huge investment has made many power plants prohibitive. Should the SIS system be so expensive? Xinhua's XSIS (Xinhua Supervisory In formation System) system will fundamentally change the status quo. Just as Xinhua launched the XDPSDCS system that year, the cost of the entire DCS system will be greatly reduced, and the power plant will receive real benefits.
SIS system platform consists of hardware platform and software platform. The hardware platform consists of redundant servers, storage devices, network switches, SIS application function stations, and real-time monitoring system interface stations. The software platform is mainly composed of real-time database software and HMI/MMI. Man-machine interface software, real-time monitoring system interface software and SIS system application software. The choice of hardware equipment mainly depends on the operating environment requirements of the software platform, especially the real-time database software. Some real-time database software, due to its own reasons, are particularly demanding on hardware devices. For example, servers are at least enterprise-level, CPUs have at least two, and preferably four, and storage devices are not disk arrays or SAN fiber storage networks. The network switch is an enterprise-class rack switch; while some real-time database software only runs the software platform system itself and a small amount of SIS application software, the load rate of the server CPU is still high, which is normal and reliable operation of the SIS system. And the future expansion of the entire SIS system is very unfavorable. However, Xinhua's real-time database software (XRTDB) not only has a large capacity (up to 200,000 points), but also has high processing efficiency (200,000 points per second). The time interval for data collection and monitoring can be completely consistent with that of the DCS system. Moreover, the XRTDB software does not require high hardware and server operating system environments (see the typical configuration of the hardware platform system). The CPU load rate of the database server is no more than 15%. The network load is 20%. The 1G storage space can be stored for about 1 week. The data (100,000-point scale), historical data query speed is very fast, 1 day historical trend curve can be displayed in about 1 second, so the XSIS system platform solution is a highly cost-effective SIS system platform solution .
Second, Xinhua SIS system platform program (a), Xinhua XSIS hardware platform system XSIS hardware platform system design follows safe, reliable, stable, economical and practical, strong expansion of the principle of the use of overall planning, step-by-step implementation of the idea to Adapt to the current requirements of the SIS system and the need for future development.
1. Network Structure The XSIS system network adopts a 1000Mbps backbone network, 100Mbps to the desktop, and the network structure is a star topology. Figure 1 shows the typical configuration of the XSIS hardware platform system.

Figure 1, XSIS hardware platform system
(1) The network switch XSIS system uses two 24-port 10/100/1000Mbps switches as redundant core switches. All real-time database servers, function stations, long value stations, engineer maintenance stations, and SIS-MIS interface stations are connected to the core. On the switch, two 24-port 10/100 Mbps switches (with one Gigabit expansion card) are used as data collection switches, and a Gigabit expansion card is used to connect the core switches. All interface stations are connected to data collection switch ports. Therefore, the network of the entire SIS system is dual-network redundant. The network bandwidth between core switches, data collection switches, database servers, function stations and other devices is 1000 Mbps, and each data interface station enjoys 100 Mbit/s bandwidth. The data transmission to a single unit is more than enough, so the entire SIS system network is no communication bottleneck, to ensure that the data communication network load rate does not exceed 20%, and still has a large room for expansion.
(2) Network security and security are the most important aspects of power plant production and management. One of the purposes of establishing an SIS system is to strengthen the unit's safe production. The SIS system is connected to a variety of monitoring systems at the production site, and is connected to the entire plant MIS system upwards. Therefore, how to prevent viruses, hackers' malicious instructions from infiltrating the MIS and SIS networks into the DCS system, auxiliary systems, and public systems of the units is The SIS system network design must focus on issues. We believe that network security can be guaranteed through system design and daily management measures.
First of all, when designing SIS networks, we do not advocate the use of anti-virus network edition software to protect the system, because the frequency of anti-virus software upgrades is extremely high, and must be carried out through the Internet. As we all know, the Internet is a place where viruses are rampant and hackers are rampant. The direct connection of the SIS network to the Internet is extremely dangerous. It is also very dangerous to download the software to the media and then copy it onto the SIS system.
Secondly, the design must ensure that the real-time data is transmitted from the DCS to the SIS to the MIS network in a one-way manner, especially from the SIS segment to the MIS segment, and is physically isolated by using a network isolator or a firewall to ensure information only. One-way flow from the SIS network to the MIS network. In addition, from the DCS system interface to the SIS system interface, from the SIS-MIS interface to the XWEB server on the MIS network, there are two separate network segments, whose IP addresses can be arbitrary, and are completely confidential to the MIS network, and thus can also Effectively prevent the penetration of viruses and malicious instructions on the MIS network into the SIS network.
Finally, assist the power plant to establish strict SIS network management measures. No one can install, copy files, etc. on the SIS system with CDs, floppy disks, or U-disks without permission. All SIS systems must be installed and copied. Antivirus can only be carried out after the relevant person in charge has signed and approved it.
(3) Typical configuration:
Core Switch: 3COM492424 Gigabit Switch Data Acquisition Switch: 3COM440024 Port Fast Switch +1port1000Base-Tx Expansion Card Firewall/Network Isolator: CISCOPIX-515E
2. The database server serves as the center of real-time data information of the whole plant. Data access of all interface software and application software must pass through the database server. The database server must continuously run. All real-time data must be compressed in seconds and long-term. Save, data access speed must meet the requirements of the application software, so the SIS system real-time database server performance requirements are very high. In order to ensure the reliable and stable operation of the real-time database server for a long time, we adopted two equally-configured commercial server redundant hot spares in the XSIS platform system design. Each server is configured with about 400G of hard disk space to ensure that 100,000 points of data are stored. For more than four years, in addition, since the two database servers are redundant hot spares, the hard disks on the two servers are actually backed up to each other. No matter which hard disk is broken, historical data is not lost. Therefore, the disk is not lost. Arrays or SAN fiber storage networks are not necessary. In addition, because Xinhua real-time database software has done a lot of fruitful work in terms of code optimization and memory usage, despite the massive data processing and storage work, the performance requirements of the Xinhua XSIS system are not harsh, and the commercial department-level servers It is enough, and can guarantee that the CPU load rate does not exceed 15%.
Typical configuration:
IBMX345 rack server: dual Intel Xeon CPU, clocked at 2.8GHz, 512KL2Cache, 2G memory, 5X72GUltraSCSIDisk2X1000M Ethernet card, 17-inch display 3, XWEB server XWEB server is mainly to provide WEB application service for authorized users on the MIS management network, MIS online Authorized users through IE browser, in addition to inoperable, SIS system has the monitoring function, through the IE window can be observed, such as simulation diagram display, database overview, real-time trend curve and historical trend curve, real-time alarm and historical alarm query And report browsing and printing, and real-time data refresh can reach up to 1 second. In addition, for the consideration of SIS network security, the data communication on the SIS to MIS network is one-way. The real-time database data XWEB server on the SIS network is inaccessible, but it is also required to provide historical data query to users of the MIS management network. Therefore, the XWEB server doubles as a real-time database server, with real-time data reception, data statistics, data compression and storage, and historical data query.
Typical configuration: Same as real-time database server. CPU load rate is not more than 15%.
4. Functional station In view of the unique environment of the power plant, the dust pollution is relatively large. According to Xinhua DCS system operation in the power plant, it is found that the damage rate of the brand machine server is much higher than that of the industrial control computer. Therefore, in the XSIS system scheme, the functional station is recommended. Use industrial computer.
IPC typical configuration:
Intel Petium IV / frequency 2.6/512M memory / 80G hard disk / 2X100M network card / 17-inch display 5, value station XSIS system is equipped with two long value-added station for the plant to run the total value of long-term dedicated, it is the link between production and management. The long value station can not only view the process parameters of the whole plant, important alarms, etc., but also can call the calculation and analysis results of each functional station. The optimization operation suggestions on the function station can be displayed on the long value station as the value to the operating personnel. Issue a reference for the operation instruction.
The typical configuration of the long station is except that the display is changed to 21 inches and the other stations are functional.
6. Interface station Because the interface station provides the interface buffer function, it can save at least one week of real-time data when the network communication with the real-time database is interrupted, so the memory configuration of the interface station requires higher. In Xinhua XSIS system, the interface station uses Ben IV IPC, and its memory is usually equipped with 512M.
The typical configuration is the same as the functional station.
(II) XSIS software platform system and real-time monitoring system Xinhua Company launched the Real-time Information Management System (RMIS) as early as in 1995, and promoted it in many power plants. With the rapid development of network technology and computer science, and the continuous improvement of user needs, the functions and application areas of real-time information management systems have been rapidly expanded and developed. In particular, the successful development of Xinhua's real-time database management system (XRTDB) and some such as Analytical diagnostic software packages such as boilers and steam turbines were successively put into operation in the power plant and succeeded. Xinhua planned and integrated these software products, and all of them were composed of Xinhua Company's proprietary intellectual property software, with a real-time database as the core. The XSIS system solution consisting of interface software, human-machine interface software, real-time monitoring software, and a variety of SIS system function application software enables the real-time data of all plant DCS systems, public systems, and various auxiliary engine monitoring systems to pass through the interface station. Send to the real-time/history database server, all SIS system application software obtains the required database from the real-time/history database, and then saves the running result to the real-time database, realizes the centralized management of real-time information, and the data information is shared by the whole plant. purpose. Figure 2 shows the software architecture of the XSIS system.

figure 2
1. XSIS Software Platform System The XSIS software platform system consists of real-time database management software, interface software, and human-machine interface software.
(1) Real-time database management software Xinhua's XRTDB (XinhuaRealTimeDataBase) project real-time database system is one of the excellent software in the industry, and is mainly used for automatic collection, unified storage and integrated monitoring of production process data of power plants. As a large project real-time database and historical database, XRTDB can store years of multi-year data for each process point. The XRTDB project real-time database system provides a production information data center and advanced application software operation platform for the enterprise production management integrated solution XSIS system. It is a process real-time information management platform and integrated integration platform. XRTDB's salient features are mainly practical, real-time database systems needed for engineering to meet the requirements of certain functional indicators and performance indicators.
XRTDB is a factory real-time data integration and application running platform based on the client/server structure developed by Xinhua, and it is one of the best choices for information integration in the entire process industry. On the one hand, XRTDB is used for automatic collection, unified storage and integrated monitoring of plant data. On the other hand, XRTDB provides end-user and advanced application software developers with comprehensive and quick factory information.
XRTDB server can run on WindowsNT, Windows2000Server/AdvancedServer, Windows2003Server/AdvancedServer; client software can run on Windows95/98/NT/2000/XP. Each XRTDB server can hold 200,000 points (high-end servers), and stores 3-5 years of data in prototype mode. 200,000 points of data can be processed per second. On the client software, the speed of data retrieval from 2 to 3 years of history is >200,000 strips/sec. The time interval for real-time data acquisition and monitoring can be exactly the same as DCS. Seamless integration with DCS. XRTDB supports remote data access, and the client application XDB-API connects directly to the database server. In terms of system security and reliability, XRTDB provides a powerful security solution. One-way broadcast can be used to connect with ERP/MIS system. The server adopts dual-redundancy, and the communication between the interface machine and the server adopts a buffer mechanism. The data source is unique and the dual-network redundancy. XRTDB adopts the mainstream TCP/IP communication protocol and supports OPC, ODBC, OLEDB, SQL, API, DDE, etc. The system has good openness and supports users' secondary development. In terms of system scalability, the capacity of the XRTDB system can reach 200,000 points; the file size of 100,000 points of data storage for 1 year is not greater than 60G; the method of distributed database support extends the system from space; and the entire XRTDB database system System load, CPU load <15%, network load <20%.
(2) XSIS system real-time data interface software XSIS system has a wealth of real-time data interface software, has a variety of imported and domestic DCS systems, various PLC control systems and those commonly used commercial monitoring software real-time data interface software. Examples of standard interface software provided by the XSIS system are as follows:
â— Interface software of various DCS systems â— Various PLC interface software packages â— Modbus interface software can be used to connect with various systems.
â— FTP interface software â— Write file MIS/Write database MIS interface software/WEBMIS interface software.
â— Multiple patrol interface software â— Power meter interface software (Polling and other interface specifications)
â— General AGC communication interface software â— GPS satellite clock timing interface software In addition, Xinhua has a strong ability to develop communication interface software for a variety of unconventional monitoring systems, can meet the user's requirements. Specifically, if the DCS system of the unit uses the Xinhua XDPSDCS system, not only can the XSIS system and the DCS system be seamlessly connected through the interface software, real-time data refreshing can reach 1 second, and it is basically synchronized with the DCS, and Through the XSIS system and interface software, all XDPSDCS systems can be uniformly timed.
(3) Man-Machine Interface Software Configuration The XSIS solution provides two types of man-machine interface (MMI). The C/S structure is used in the SIS network. The client software uses XDPS 3.0 MMI software and is installed on each terminal device. When using, the client sends a request to the server. After receiving the response, the SIS system can be monitored in various forms such as analog graphs, curves, reports, and alarms, and the SIS system can also be operated. In the MIS network, the B/S structure is adopted. The XWEB server receives the unidirectionally transmitted data of the SIS network interface station, updates the real-time data in the memory, and simultaneously compresses the received data and stores it in the real-time database. Authorized users on the network can use the IE browser to observe the SIS system. Except that the SIS system cannot be operated, other functions of the SIS network client are exactly the same. In addition, in these two kinds of structures, although the system capacity is huge, as long as the interface software allows (mainly depends on the DCS or the monitoring system side), the data refresh cycle on the SIS system and XWEB server can reach 1 second.
In addition to the large-capacity, fast real-time data refresh feature, the XSIS solution is very attractive is the introduction of a virtual DPU, functional modules and graphical configuration software, using it without programming to achieve the calculation, data statistics and all the units of the whole plant The DCS system, auxiliary engine monitoring system and other important equipment failures are alarmed, and corresponding screens can be popped up on the long value station to enable the value to quickly understand the fault condition and take timely measures. Xinhua used graphic configuration software to realize unit-level and plant-level performance calculation, energy loss analysis and load distribution. It has the characteristics of convenient debugging and easy on-line modification. Users can also use graphical configuration software to expand the functions of the SIS system and realize their own The idea.
The main functions of the man-machine interface software are:
â— XSIS system has a network self-test function â— Graphic display and graphics production function â— Real-time data trend and historical data trend query function â— Database at a glance â— Report production, query and print functions â— Provide a virtual DPU and graphical configuration means, the data can be Statistics, important equipment failure alarms and other processing â— Alarm and historical alarm query â— SIS system unified timing function 2, XSIS system application software Xinhua has so far developed many SIS system application software, and put into operation in some power plants, limited space , no longer elaborate, just list the names of these software, they are:
â—Unit Operation Performance Calculation Package (XSIS-OPCS)
â— Unit Operation Performance Monitoring (Energy Loss Analysis) Software Package (XSIS-OPMS)
â— Factory load optimization distribution package (XSIS-LOD)
â—Unit unit operation fault diagnosis software package (XSIS-ODMS)
â— Optimized air unit program package (XSIS-OSBS)
â— Steam Turbine Vibration Acquisition, Monitoring and Analysis Software Package (XSIS-TCM)
â—Unit crew fault diagnosis expert system software package (XSIS-VES)
â— Unit crew diagnostic rule management software package (XSIS-RMS)
â— Turbine flow assessment and diagnostic software package (XSIS-Speed)
â— Turbine high and medium pressure rotor temperature field calculation and life assessment software package (XSIS-SAILER)
Boiler drum temperature field calculation and life assessment software package (XSIS-SAILED)
â—Unit crew auxiliary operating life assessment software package (XSIS-SAILEA)
â— Boiler Optimization Operation Control Package (XSIS-Optim)
â—Boiler pressure tube leakage online monitoring software package (XSIS-BLD)
III. Application of XSIS System in Power Plants Once the XSIS system solution was introduced, it was welcomed by many users. At present, a number of power plants have selected the Xinhua XSIS system, and several power plants are in negotiations. Here we briefly introduce the commissioning and commissioning of the XSIS system of Hebei Xingtai Power Generation Co., Ltd.
1. Project Background Hebei Xingtai Power Generation Co., Ltd. now has a total installed capacity of 1,300 MW and a total of six 200 MW units, of which the #4, #5, #6, #7, #8 and #9 units have been scaled up to capacity expansion. 220MW, and DCS & DEH transformation of the control system were performed. The DCS&DEH control system of #4-#9 unit is the XDPS-400 distributed control system of Shanghai Xinhua Control Engineering Co., Ltd. The public system and auxiliary system use the GE company's PLC equipment. The 2×300MW coal-fired power plant started construction in 2004 was expanded. The DCS&DEH control system and its public and auxiliary systems of the thermal power generator set use Hitachi's distributed control system. According to the requirements of the “overall design and step-by-step implementation†of the power plant, this is mainly an SIS system platform construction, six 220MW DCS systems, a set of RTU equipment and a set of GEPLC monitoring system real-time monitoring system, performance calculation, energy loss analysis. And load distribution. The platform design requires that the selection of servers, storage devices, and network equipment must meet the requirements of all 220 MW and the next two 300 MW units DCS systems and auxiliary monitoring systems to enter the SIS system, the real-time database capacity is 100,000 points, and according to the data prototype Compression storage for more than 3 years.
2. Platform System Design In accordance with the requirements of the power plant, we designed the hardware platform system and communicated and communicated with the relevant personnel of the power plant several times. Finally, the platform scheme and hardware equipment selection shown in Figure 1 were determined. More than real-time database server we have chosen IBMX235, the main configuration: 2 * XeonP42.4G, 512K cache, 2GMBDDRDIMM, 5 * 36G10kUltra3SCSIDisk, 2 * 1000Mbps network card; XWEB server also selected IBMX235, but the configuration is slightly worse, CPU only One, the memory is only 1GMB; the core switch is a 24-port 3COM4924 Gigabit switch, the data acquisition switch is a 24-port 3COM4400 100M switch; the interface station is placed on the site of the monitoring system, through a 100M fiber transceiver, an optical fiber line and a data collection switch Connected. In software, real-time database management system capacity selection 100,000 points, the client installs XDPS3.0MMI software, XWEB server on the MIS network provides real-time monitoring system IE browsing services.
3. Operation of XSIS System The XSIS system of Hebei Xingtai Power Generation Co., Ltd. was installed and commissioned in April 2004. After joint efforts of both parties, the XSIS platform system and real-time monitoring system were commissioned and put into trial operation at the beginning of June. . The scale and performance of the system are:
â— The system has a total capacity of 100,000 points, and actually uses 64,377 points, of which 27,427 analog points and 36,954 switching points.
â— The refresh cycle of all real-time data in the SIS system is 1 second.
â— The data refresh period of the real-time monitoring system observed on the MIS network through the browser is 2 seconds.
â— The real-time database server management system adopts two-stage compression, and the compression rate is maintained at more than 100 times. The 1G hard disk space can compress and store data for about one week.
â— The data compression processing cycle of the real-time database is consistent with the new cycle of real-time data brushing on the SIS network.
â— The real-time database historical data query response speed is very fast. The one-day historical data trend curve display can be achieved in about 1 second.
â— The CPU load rate of the database management software running on the redundant real-time database server and XWEB server is very low, between 2% and 5%.
In terms of real-time monitoring system, except for inoperability, all the functions of the DCS system operator station, the client of the XSIS system and the IE browser user on the MIS network basically all have, the graphics of each unit, the trend curve, Statistical reports, etc., are visible in the XSIS system (Figures 3-6). Real-time monitoring software features:
â— XSIS system has a network self-test function â— 6 units of graphics production and display â— real-time data trend and historical data trend query function â— database overview â— daily, monthly and annual report report production, query and print functions â— use of virtual DPU and graphics groups State means, statistics on the required data of the report, handling of important equipment failure alarms, etc. â— Alarm and historical alarm query â— Through the SIS network, 6 units of DCS units in the whole plant are put into trial operation with GPS time for nearly half a year. XSIS system The performance is superior, stable and reliable, there has been no downtime or loss of function due to the system itself, and the performance index has completely met the tender requirements of the power plant. The platform system and real-time monitoring system passed the acceptance of the power plant on December 1, 2004, and transferred to the power plant for official operation.
Figures 3 to 6 are taken from some screens of the XSIS system of Hebei Xingtai Power Generation Co., Ltd.
IV. Conclusion The success of the XSIS system in Hebei Xingtai Power Generation Co., Ltd. marks that the real-time database management software is no longer the situation where imported software dominates the world. Xinhua XRTDB real-time database software is not inferior to the most famous foreign real-time database software in terms of scale, performance, compression and decompression efficiency. However, in terms of hardware environment, XRTDB requires very little, which is unmatched by other products. . Therefore, the XSIS system platform solution centered on the XRTDB real-time database, coupled with Xinhua's technical strength, power plant experience and perfect after-sales service, will certainly win the trust and support of more power plant users.

Fig. 3, main parameter screen of XSIS system

Figure 4, the entire plant load and main equipment alarm
Figure 5, a system diagram
Figure 6, IE browser screen and historical trend curve
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