Thiosulfate immersion gold process
Thiotech Co., Ltd. uses ammonium thiosulfate and sodium thiosulfate as the main leaching agent for extracting gold and silver from ore. In the United States, also ammonium thiosulfate method for processing a copper sulfide concentrate containing gold, the leaching rate of more than 90%.
Porter pointed out that gold or silver containing ore and residue can be leached with ammonium thiosulfate under normal pressure. When the solution is heated to 50 ° C or higher, an oxidant such as divalent copper ions can accelerate the reaction, when thiosulfuric acid It can still be used when the ammonium concentration is as high as 20%, but it is necessary to pay special attention to washing for the recovery of the medicament. In order to reduce ammonia losses, it is necessary to use a closed circuit system. At present, further work is to determine whether the ammonium thiosulfate method can replace the cyanidation process.
The leaching of gold and silver by thiosulfate method is superior to cyanidation in the following aspects: 1 thiosulfate is less toxic, ammonium salt can be used as chemical fertilizer; 2 thiosulfate leaching is faster, generally 3h, for a certain The mineral gold leaching rate is expected to be higher than the cyanidation method; 3 is suitable for the ore containing Cu, Fe 2 O 3 , Mn which is difficult to handle by the cyanidation method; 4 the consumption of the method is very low, which is particularly economically important. In addition, the law is attractive in terms of environmental protection.
However, compared with the traditional cyanidation method, the problems of the thiosulfate method are as follows: 1 The consumption of thiosulfate is high, and it has been proposed to reduce the oxidation of S 2 0 3 2- by controlling the oxygen supplied to the leaching system; thiosulfate recycling problem was that instead of zinc powder, iron powder or copper powder used to replace the recovery cycle Jinyou Li immersion liquid. The leaching conditions of the method are harsh. If copper ions are needed, stabilizers need to be added. For the treatment of low-grade gold ore, the leaching rate is much lower, so it has not been popularized yet.Hexagonal Round Shank
Guofu Technology Group Co., Ltd ,