Our factory introduced 2 SFM7702 super-precision machines from the original West Germany in 1988. It is specially used for processing special bearings. The two machines with super-fine grinding integral double-groove ball bearing outer ring and core axle have high automation degree and superior system performance. However, after many years of use, electrical faults are becoming more frequent, maintenance costs are getting higher and higher, and production efficiency is declining. Therefore, it is decided to modify the electrical system of two machine tools. 1 Main functions of the machine tool Overview The machine tool is integrated with machine, electricity and liquid control. The main functions of the equipment are: automatic loading and unloading.
Super-precision guide wheel, swing motor stepless speed control operation screen setting, display, diagnosis, operation function, etc.
PLC control 2 electrical system transformation design, installation and commissioning with mandrel superfinishing machine as an example 21 system composition and function 21.1 system logic drive control function diagram as shown 21. 2PLC hardware configuration according to machine tool operation needs and control Requirements, selected Schneider ModiconTsxMicro series PLC, the PLC is a modular structure, the actual configuration is shown as 3721 input power 100/240VAC, built-in CPU and storage unit, no I / O point.
The hybrid module TSXDMZ28DR has a digital input of 16 points and a relay output of 12 points. This module can only be placed in the first slot of the main frame, and the remaining modules can be placed in any other slot. The I/O point label is determined by the slot number of the module. The specific function is as shown in the function code function name start/stop control. Method Frequency setting mode Select the highest frequency base frequency constant voltage control acceleration time deceleration time upper limit frequency lower limit frequency SF, SR terminal function switch input module TSXDEZ32D2 switch input 32 points 4 channels ± 10V analog output.
The above module's digital input has positive and negative logic options, which can be applied to different polarity switch inputs, and the application is flexible; the relay output load capacity is DC24V/2A, which can directly drive the DC contactor solenoid valve and indicator light.
PLC total installed I / O point capacity: switch input point 80 points, relay output point 52 points, ± 10V analog output 4 channels, I / O meet the requirements and leave a margin.
21.3 Operation screen selection 4110 No communication slot 10.4 inch color keyboard terminal (human machine interface) to achieve the corresponding human-computer interaction function. There are 22 buttons on the panel, R1~R10 and F1~F12, R1~ only 1赃The function pages can be designed to perform different functions, and the user can design up to 128 pages. F1 ~ F12 can not be repeatedly defined, can be designed as page turning key, need manual adjustment page of each mechanism, automatic cycle status display page, mechanical in-situ status display page, process parameter adjustment page, total 12 pages. The use of man-machine interface can simplify the operation panel of the machine tool, making the operation simple and easier to check and repair. 21. 4 In the selection process of the inverter, from coarse to super-super, the guide wheel and the swing motor need automatic speed regulation, using PLC Combined with the inverter to realize the KVFC series inverter of Kasuga Electric Co., Ltd., the KVFC-437 (3.7kW400V) for the 2.7kW guide wheel motor, and the two 0.25kW swing motors can share one KVFC-22 system due to synchronization. Software design and parameter setting 22.1 man-machine interface software design 4 programming software. A total of 12 pages have been designed. The status page displays the status of the relevant switch, actuator or indicator. The light/dark of each icon indicates that the active/invalid mechanism manual page indicates the manual operation of each step of the mechanism (press the specified R key). ) and display the corresponding status 12 page flip keys F1 ~ F12 role as shown in Table 1 22.2 inverter function setting frequency control mode DC0 ~ 5V signal input by the VRC terminal as the speed control signal. The 4-channel ±10V analog output configured by PLC realizes the stepless speed regulation of the guide wheel motor and the swing motor respectively, which makes the adjustment convenient and can best meet the process requirements. The wiring diagram of the inverter is as shown ( Guide wheel motor as an example) The main function parameters of the inverter are set as shown in Table 2. The software design of the 22.3 PLC I/O allocation table input point is shown in Table 3, and the output point allocation is shown in Table 4.
Drawing program flow chart According to the workflow required by the process, combined with the input/output distribution table, the formed automatic cycle program flow chart is as shown in the table 1 page flip key (F key) definition table into the mechanical home position page into the push mechanism The super-finish manual page enters the automatic cycle status page to enter the guide wheel motor, the swing motor manual page enters the manual super-precision status page enters the oil stone frame mechanism manual page enters the discharge mechanism manual page enters the super-semen, the exhaust mechanism manual page enters the feeding mechanism Manual page enters electrical protection action status page enters feeding mechanism manual page enters process parameter adjustment page parameter setting value 2 external terminal control table 3 input point distribution table machine signal oil protection S212 oil stone 1 normal S245 hydraulic pump starts S186 high oil level S213 broken push block retracted to position S246 total stop S122 hydraulic pump stop S187 low oil level S213 push block push in position S247 emergency stop S123 oil protection S215 super fine head 2 upper S250 feed rack front position S220 super fine head 2 lower position S251 reset S192 feeding frame rear position S221 oil stone frame 2 right position S252 motor overload K134 fault clearing S191 feeding frame upper position S222 oil stone frame 2 left position S253 short circuit protection K139 feeding frame lower position S223 Stone 2 too short S2544 inlet material material S224 oil stone 2 normal S255 guide wheel frequency conversion fault material support lower position S230 discharge rack upper position S260 guide wheel frequency conversion normal material rack middle position S231 discharge frame lower position S261 swing frequency conversion fault carrier rack upper position S232 discharge rack rear position S262 swing frequency conversion normal storage rack left position S234 discharge rack front position S263 control power supply tray right position S235 workpiece full position S264 feeding rack in place S236 cleaning Kaikai K402 automatic start S180 super fine head 1 upper position S240 air pressure protection S267 automatic stop S181 super fine head 1 lower position S241 manual S182 broken oil stone frame 1 right position S242 automatic S182 combined oil pressure in place S210 oil stone frame 1 left position S243 oil protection S211 oil stone 1 too short S244 table 4 output point distribution table machine tool Signal in-situ indicator H444 super fine head 2 exhaust valve Y47. Discharge post rear down valve Y49.6 filter pump K40.1 door protection indicator H447 oil stone 2 uplift valve discharge rack front down valve Y49.7 transmission pump K40.2 feeding frame up valve push valve Y50.0 cooling pump K40.3 preparatory start indicator H440 feeding frame down valve spray super semen valve Y50.2 guide wheel frequency conversion power supply K41.0 total fault indicator H451 feeding frame after Valve no material idling indicator H453 feeding frame forward valve guide wheel frequency conversion start K41.1 super fine head Line valve Y46.0 supporting material left row valve swing frequency conversion power supply K41.3 super fine head down valve Y46.1 supporting material rack right row valve swing frequency conversion start K41.4 super fine head inlet valve Y46.2 bracket rack middle position Valve super fine head return valve Y46.3 support rack up valve super fine head 1 row low air valve Y47.0 support material down valve guide wheel frequency conversion analog input hydraulic pump K40.0 super fine head 1 exhaust valve Y47. 1 pallet rack center valve swing frequency conversion analog input automatic indicator light H441 oil stone 1 uplift valve Y47.2 discharge rack down valve hydraulic indicator H442 super fine head 2 row low air valve Y47. discharge rack up valve programming PL7ProV4.0 programming software for Micro series PLC programming, with powerful programming and debugging. Using his Windows-based environment, using PC programming, the programming becomes more comfortable, and the offline program debugging is more convenient. The programming idea is: The program is simplified, and multiple subroutine calls. That is, the main program is initialized by PLC operation start, mechanical home position (including reset), etc.; each mechanism automatically/manually displays the module; each subroutine call condition; operation mode selection; main circuit start and stop, etc. constitutes the main program and each subroutine It adopts the main unit structure and modular design by means of organization. It provides great convenience for program programming, reading debugging and on-site maintenance. It is shown in Figure 22.4 System debugging (1) Offline debugging 3.4 Programming software It can be debugged offline, set contact /Off by software, simulate on-site debugging, check and modify the program, make the program run through (2) off-line debugging, specially made the switch input due to the extremely short installation and commissioning time. Machine screwing: PD1, PD0 is used to select clock and working mode = 10 power saving mode, clock mode has no effect = 11 full power saving mode, clock mode has no effect on BIP / RNG input voltage polarity and range selection ± 10VA2, A1 , A0 analog channel selection channel MAX197 conversion mode is determined by ACQMOD, ACQMOD = 0 internal control conversion mode ACQMOD = external control conversion mode The external conversion mode timing is divided as shown. In this example, the MAX197, AT89C52 and the drive and isolation circuit form a complete real-time measurement and control system. The principle is as shown in the figure. The lateral and longitudinal movement positions of the motor are detected by the potentiometer and normalized to obtain a sampling voltage of 0 ~ 5V. The MAX197 performs A/D conversion, and the converted data is sent to the 89C52 for processing. The motor position is determined according to the digital quantity and the corresponding control signal is provided (the data acquisition and control program is omitted). In summary, the MAX197 has a fast conversion speed and is powered by a single power supply. It also has 8 channels of analog input and multiple input range selection. It is flexible and convenient to use, and will be widely used in medium and high speed data acquisition.
The baby grows up day by day, and likes swimming every day. In order to continue the project of baby swimming, the baby's head can also be raised at that time, and he no longer likes to be strangled by the neck. The baby also needs a wider field of vision. The depth of the baby swimming pool cannot reach the purpose of the baby's swimming (the baby's feet touch the bottom of the pool). If you want to swim in the original baby swimming pool, you must increase the baby's swimming height or increase the depth of the pool. The neck is moved to the base of the thigh, which increases the height of the baby's swimming. In order to solve these two problems, the Inflatable Baby Swim Seat was created.
The Inflatable Baby Swim Seat has multiple independent airbags, and there is an anti-leakage device in the air nozzle, which is safe and reliable. The swimming ring is carefully designed, made and comfortable to wear according to the characteristics of the baby's thigh. Proper use can prolong the use time.
Baby Swimming Float, Inflatable Baby Pool Float Ring, Baby Float, Swimming Pool Toddler Floaties, Inflatable Baby Swim Float
Lixin Outdoor Product Co., Ltd , https://www.jmpoolfloat.com