LED lighting + microchip will build up to 100 times faster than WiFi Li-Fi

People demand for speed, not the fastest, only faster. Li-Fi, now a widely used WiFi replacement technology, is now finally moving from the lab to the real world. Estonian startup Velmenni Startup has developed this ultrafast network transmission technology that is currently being tested in offices and industrial environments. How fast is this new technology? Velmenni said Li-Fi will be 100 times faster than WiFi. what does this mean? When measured at such a rate, downloading an HD movie takes only a few seconds and may be faster than watching online movies on the video site. The Li-Fi technology used by Velmenni in the test was able to send data at up to 1GBps, which is more than 100 times the current WiFi network. In fact, Li-Fi is a WiFi-like wireless technology, but with the help of VLC, it can send data very quickly. Li-Fi technology was invented by Professor Harald Haas at the University of Edinburgh, UK. It has many competitive advantages over WiFi. First of all, it is safer. Li-Fi offers greater security in local network transmissions and because light can not penetrate the walls, it also means less "interference" between different devices. In addition, Li-Fi's biggest competitive advantage may be its data transfer speed. Researchers measured Li-Fi transmission in a lab environment at 1GBps. "We are doing some experimental testing in different industrial environments where we can use visible light communication technology." Deepak Solanki, CEO of Velmenni, said: "At present, we have designed industrial environments that require light for data transmission A smart light solution was out there and we're also working with private customers to test the technology and we set up a Li-Fi network for them to access the Internet in their office space. " However, Li-Fi may not completely replace WiFi technology in the short term, and both technologies may co-exist to create a more efficient network. If the test is successful, Li-Fi network will be in the next 3-5 years to the mass consumer market, so that ordinary consumers can use their home bulbs to access the Internet. Before Li-Fi was applied on a large scale, this technology needed further improvement to make it compatible with current devices. "Creating a new Li-Fi infrastructure is very difficult and we need to integrate our system with existing systems," Solanki said. Harald Haas, the inventor of Li-Fi technology, said that in the future every LED bulb can act as a WiFi replacement. In a TED speech, Haas said the current infrastructure is suitable for integrating Li-Fi. "All we have to do is add a microchip to each lighting fixture so that it has two basic functions: lighting and wireless data transfer," said Haas. "In the future, we will not only have 14 billion bulbs, We may also build 14 billion Li-Fi networks in a more environmentally-friendly way. "